You probably looked in the mirror and said, how can I find milfs like these near me? You probably have checked out lots of porn online featuring older women. You probably were blown away by how much energy they have and how much sexier they are compared to young, awkward college girls who don’t know what the fuck to do with their bodies.
If you’ve had sex with a virgin or somebody who isn’t very sexually experienced, at some point or another, it seems like a chore. It seems like, at some point or another, that you’re just stabbing her with your dick and you can’t wait until you cum. It becomes a very selfish and fucked up experience and I know it is fucked up to blame your sex partner, but unfortunately, if you are an immature male, that’s precisely where your thoughts will go.
So at that point in time, you start wishing and hoping that you would have sex with somebody who knows how to rock that body. Then that is precisely why, the first time you have sex with a woman who was aged 30-40 or beyond, your socks were knocked right off. You were just blown away. In fact, if you are like the typical guy, you probably got introduced to the concept of male repetitive orgasm. In other words, the woman knows how to work her pussy and her body so well that you are able to partition your orgasm that it feels like you are cumming in waves.
Now, that is really mind blowing shit because, of course, on a biological basis, only women are capable of doing that realistically. If we’re talking about real orgasms that are not simulated or rolling orgasms, then only women are able to achieve back to back orgasms. I’m talking about shit that feels so good that the back of your head is about to explode. I mean, it’s that crazy. And the best way to find milfs that would enable you to achieve that experience again and again is to become a milf hunter.